About the Journal

Education, professional Advancement, Teaching and Learning Hub (EduPATH) Journal a multi-disciplinary, peer-refereed open access international journal which has been established for the dissemination of knowledge in the field of education, teaching and learning, educators professional advancement, educational policy and pedagogy, teaching methodologies and new technologies in education and learning.  The electronic publication and distribution are made possible by President University Press.  The journal is supported by the Elementary Teacher Education (ETE) and is available free of charge on the internet. This journal is published twice a year: June and November.

 The scopes of EduPATH Journal include the following topic areas:

  1. K-12 Education
  2. Psychology of Education
  3. Technology in Education
  4. Inclusive Education
  5. Educational Leadership
  6. Curriculum and Instruction
  7. Teacher Professional Development
  8. Literacy and Education
  9. Pedagogical Best Practices and Teaching Methodology
  10. Research in Education
    Other closely-related topics will be considered as well.